We offer those names of individuals who are needing prayer at our Sunday service along with our prayers and mediations at our Monday Morning Ministries. If you would like a name added to our prayer list, please include the information below.
When you pray:
Remember the people of Ukraine who have had war thrust upon them.
Remember the people in our country who have been involved in senseless gun violence.
Let us pray for the sick, the homeless, and the dying.
Pray about what is on your heart. Spend some time listening for what may be on God's heart also.
Remember to give thanks for all that you have, which is a gift from God.
Remember those on our prayer list: Steve Harmon, Becky Carroll, Jerry and Kyah Doll, Tark Quader, Sarah Howard, Elissa Sanders, JoAnn Skillman, Marsha Moorland, Katie Elliott, and Charlotte Vail.
If you wish something to be added, please email Sandy at
Our thoughts and prayers are with you always. If you need to speak with a member, please email peacerockport@att.net!
Email: peacerockport@att.net
Addresses: 1092 N. S.R. 66, Rockport, Indiana 47635 | PO Box 127 Rockport IN 47635